Friday, February 10, 2017

Eat My Words

This is going to be long, but is basically my Whole30 survival guide, including recipes and must-haves if you're going through the 'program'.

We've got, from left to right, top to bottom: pulled pork sweet potato sliders, enchilada stuffed sweet potato, salmon patties, spaghetti squash buffalo chicken casserole, steak, sweet potato fries, and coleslaw, stuffed pepper with side salad.

Something I love about Whole30 is that, while a restrictive diet, the recipes are really adaptable.  I've enjoyed both following them to the letter and messing around a bit, trying out new spices and vegetables and flavors.  As long as I'm staying on plan and in the spirit everything's game.

1. That being said, the first time I made pulled pork sliders I used cumin in my pork rub and didn't much care for it, and the second time I used apple cider vinegar and was completely in love.  At some point in my life I became a huge fan of vinegar and I have no plans of going back.  Pairing the pulled pork with sweet potato buns, and dressing them with sliced tomato and lettuce or spinach... muah.  I also like to sprinkle my sweet potato's with a bit of salt and paprika before they hit the oven

2. One of the absolute best things I've eaten on Whole30 is the Enchilada Stuffed Sweet Potato.  Holy snap it is so good.  The ground beef (or bison, in my case) is so incredibly flavorful, and then paired with the sweet potato... delish.  I threw a little guacamole on the top and sided with roasted broccoli dusted with nutritional yeast.  Definitely a favorite meal and one I'll make again on or off plan.

3. & 4. I tend to make *Shepard's pie and *salmon cakes at the same time since they both call for sweet potato (are we sensing a theme here?), and all the canned sweet potato options around me are in a light syrup.  So I just cube and boil instead, and figure if I'm going that far I may as well double it up and get a Shepard's pie out of the mix.

* These are not the exact recipes I follow, as I got mine from the book, but they are close enough.  If you want the EXACT recipe I follow, message me and I'll hook you up!

5. For the Super Bowl, I wanted to participate in the festivities, but didn't want to break my plan yet, so I found this buffalo chicken dip.  I even made my own ranch dressing, using my own fresh herbs from the aerogarden, and the whole thing was so awesome I never felt like I was missing out (plus a dear friend made some compliant ceviche which was super good and helped fill my plate).  I ate mine with celery sticks, which I am shocked to find I actually enjoy eating now.  Whole30 brings out the new tastebuds!

6. Speaking of, I have also found a strange new affinity towards hot sauce (I use Franks RedHot).  As someone who used to shy away from all things even slightly above 'mild', this comes as a huge surprise to me.  And yet right now I can't get enough.  I just finished off my buffalo chicken casserole, made with spaghetti squash.  This was probably my most labor intensive dish (thank god I'd already had the ranch dressing made), but using literally all components I love.  My carrots were a little underdone, but overall I'd definitely make this again.

7. Steak and sweet potato fries.  Mmmmmm.  Just stay compliant with all your seasonings and you're golden.  The coleslaw... I honestly can't even remember what all went in it.  It was a garbage disposal coleslaw, as in we just kept throwing things in and hoping for the best, and it was awesome.

8. I still haven't figured out how to properly eat a stuffed pepper, but it doesn't stop me from making them.  This is another kind of garbage recipe, where you can just dice up whatever veggies you've got to use up and throw them in.  I liked adding in zucchini and finely diced sweet potato (surprise!) left over from my morning eggs.

9. And speaking of eggs, I am of the fortunate group that doesn't easily get sick of them, and they were my morning staple for pretty much the whole thing.  I've mastered the soft and hard boil (bless this book), finally learned how to properly scramble, and of course love a good fried egg.  I try to use fancy-pants eggs as much as possible, but bush living demands me to buy 5 dozen at a time, so that's what I did.  And ate through every single one of them.

10. I also can't stress how EASY it is to *make your own mayonnaise!  That's something I'm never again buying from the store.  I used an immersion blender but recently found out you can use a whisk as well (takes longer but still works!).  I found light tasting olive oil the best, and also heard macadamia nut oil is superb for it, but can't personally vouch for it.

*Again, not my exact recipe, mostly because I learned in action watching and following my fabulously fantastic cousin.

11. Was there ever a more solid side than mashed cauliflower?  There are literally so many recipes for this because it's versatile and pretty much perfect.  Just squeeze all the water out once you steam them and I honestly can't see how you can go wrong.  The one in the book calls for coconut cream which makes it a little sweeter (and very creamy, yum), but I think next time I'm going to give the one on the link a try, because it's making my mouth water right now.


Here's a few of the things I can't Whole30 without that aren't in particular with any recipe but good to have on hand if you're going to take on the challenge:

- Walnuts, pecans, almonds... really any nut but peanut.  They're great for protein salads and a midday pick up.

- La Croix - even an avid water drinker wants a little something different, and if you're at a party where everyone's drinking it up it's nice to have something a little special too.  My favorite flavors are Coconut, Mango, and Passionfruit, but I haven't tried them all!!

- Immersion blender - invaluable for mayos and sauces.

- Spiralizer - I don't care what you say (Greg), I love me some zoodles!!  And you can use it with sweet potatoes, carrots, butternut squash... good times!

- a comprehensive set of spices.  I also vouch for splurging on the nicer, organic types.  I can now smell/taste the difference, and ended up tossing a lot of my $1 bulk buys, because I'm worth it, dammit.

- Ghee - another deceptively easy thing to make that opens up a lot more options to you.

- Food processor or blender.  Invest.  It's worth it.

- A blog so I can read about your progress and cheer you on!!!

If you made it this far I am so impressed by you.  And grateful for you!  And if you're getting ready or in the midst of your Whole30 I am so tremendously happy for you!!  And if I somehow played any part in that decision I am incredibly humbled and want to extend a hand and an ear and be there for you the whole way!!!  I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!