Sunday, January 6, 2019

Keeping up with Keto

So, long time no update.  Christmas has come and gone, which is honestly a bit of a relief.  Christmas, while definitely one of the favorite and most fun holidays in many ways, is also one of the most food heavy.  There's always an excuse to indulge, and eventually overindulge, because 'Christmas comes but once a year~'.  I definitely fell in with the overindulgent category.  Before Christmas I had been on Keto for 22 days and had lost as many pounds.  And during my feast-fest I put on 12.  That's... a lot.  in 4 days, that's more than half of what I lost in 22 days.  A nice eye opener for me.

So now I'm back in Barrow, fridge and cupboards properly stocked.  I'm still having issues with making time to cook and not just going for the ready-made Keto friendly snacks (which you've got to watch anyway because it's so easy to overdo it), but today I finally got something done.

Look who used her zucchini before it went bad!

And it was DELICIOUS. 

It was nice to cook something I never had, with ingredients I don't normally use (hello shrimpies), and have it turn out super good.  Gives me that ego boost I need to feel indomitable.  Also it feeds me and makes me happy.

The good news is I am less than a pound away from meeting my pre-Christmas weight. And I know it's not about the scale it's about the feel, but it's nice to have something quantifiable to chart and say, hey, look at your progress!  It's working~

The other reason I'm a little more focused on the scale readings is because I am still in the midst of my HealthyWage and REALLY want to recoup my $1,200 and then some next October.  I'm 56 pounds away from my goal, and 100% believe I will make it, so long as I keep positive and focused.  It helps that I have a wedding to look stellar at and a 10k to train for, and no more Christmas excuses (though family reunion is basically Christmas for a week so we'll see...).

So here's to the new year!  I got this!

PS here's my bridesmaid's dress for the wedding in March!!  I love it!