Thursday, December 6, 2018

Day 10 - Still Going~

Long time no update, I know!  But a lot has happened.

I went down to Anchorage to check on my house.  Fortunately most things were fine, just a bit of a mess.  Only a couple things I love got broken, and overall it gave me a chance to clean up and clear out the clutter. 

I also was able to successfully stick with my strict Keto.  I'm following the idea of carbs under 25 g, net carbs under 20 g.  I use the LoseIt app (upgraded to premium for a year for $20) where I log everything and track my macros.  I try to keep it at 5% carbs, 75% fat, 20 % protein, and normally fall somewhere within 10% of those ranges, so I think I'm doing okay.

Physically I feel good, I'm not bloated, I have energy, I look forward to getting things done.

Today though, I was hit with a migraine and nausea that had me tossing out the last bit of my lunch and having the lowest key of all dinners (a fathead pizza crust I'd made and frozen last week dipped in Wholly Guacamole and a Babybel cheese - not my finest moment).

What's got me a little more anxious is that I didn't prep anything for lunch tomorrow.  I thawed some reindeer sausages and if I wake up earlier enough can saute up some cabbage and throw on some feta and be fine to get me through til dinner, when I can try out one of the recipes in my queue. 

I had more I wanted to say but the migraine really threw me for a loop.  I don't think it's Keto flu related, probably more to do with barometric pressure or something like that, but tomorrow I'll be drinking a couple propels, just in case.

Just know I'm still going!  I wanted to do 30 days of strict keto to assess how I feel, but that literally takes me right to Christmas, so I may be a little lenient for a few days, but truly plan on getting right back on, assuming it's working for me (but so far, so good!).

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