Friday, September 27, 2019

120 hours


I know I kind of lost the blogging momentum, but really all the days blend into each other (a side effect of living in Alaska and being over 30 I think).

Overall, it was good!  Today was the first day I felt actual hunger pangs, and that was after a 5 mile hike (easy, not a lot of elevation) and as I was heading to the store to get my break meal.

I read the best thing to break an extended fast is veggies, particularly a green salad (spinach and cucumber in my case with a little bit of walnut oil), roasted broccoli (because my steamer done vanished), and baked sweet potato (I only ate about a third of it).  No butter, a little salt, and everything tasted GREAT! 

Health wise, all is good.  My skin looks awesome, I'm not bloated, my energy is solid, and I'm cruising ever closer to my HealthyWage goal weight.  Just a week and a half to go with that, then a two week window to weigh out.  Not only do I believe I'll make it, I KNOW I will.  
I'm so glad I did this.  It gave me a chance to body cleanse, mind cleanse, confirm the power of will, and that I am always in control of my actions.  I think I have a healthier view and appreciation of food, that I hope follows me throughout my life.  I can also see myself doing an extended fast 2-4 times a year. 
Day 0 - Day 5 (wish I was wearing the same pair of pants but oh well)

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