Monday, September 23, 2019

24 Hours

24 hours:

Woke up with a headache :(  Since I'm not eating anything I didn't want to take ibuprofen, so it was water and water and water, and when that didn't help I added in a shot of electrolyte and vitamin B MiO to an 18 oz bottle.  I don't think the headache actually has anything to do with the fasting, since it started way before any kind of hunger hit, but regardless, it seems to have abated since drinking the electrolyte infused water.  Good to know. 

Exercise wise - I took an easy 3.75 mile walk, taking it slow (still had the headache at this point), and just enjoyed being outside in the fall air (Hap' Fall Y'all!). 

Hunger wise - stomach has been rumbling a bit, but overall it's not bad.  It likely helps that I've been doing IF pretty steadily for about 8 months, and have experienced 24-42 hour fasts at least biweekly for the past 2 months or so.  In my research it came up more than a few times that the second day is the toughest, so I have some plans to distract myself tomorrow, which might include clothes shopping and virtual farming.  We all have our vices. 

So yeah, first 24 hours, easy peasy.  I'll check in again at the 48 mark~

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