Saturday, July 2, 2016

Day 30!!!

The question people most often ask when I tell them I'm doing Whole 30 (and subsequently explain what Whole 30 is all about) is 'How do you feel?'   And the answer honestly and truly is "Powerful."  Not just physically, but mentally.  I have completely proven to myself that I always have a choice in the foods I eat, and no craving is stronger than my willpower.  That I can go 30 days without sugar or grains and feel all the better for it.  That, yeah, sometimes it's hard, but in the end it's about how my choices affect my quality of life.

Plus I climbed a fricken mountain.  

So yeah, I'm going to go with 'powerful'. 

Tomorrow starts phase 1 of Reintroduction.  As I said earlier, a huge part of why I wanted to do this was to give my stomach lining a chance to heal, and then weed out what foods had been making me sick.  

I've prepped for this by rereading portions of Whole 30, making a calendar, and dedicating a journal to keep my food-body evaluations in:

Again, the idea is to reintroduce triggers and possible inflammatory foods one at a time to see which ones are causing which problems.  So I'll introduce, then go back on Whole 30 level eating for two days as I play science experiment on myself and evaluate my bodily reactions to them.  Sounds like a blast!  This will essentially take me up to the day I arrive in Curacao, so hopefully at that point I will have a solid understanding of foods and their affects on me, and thusly have a safe and digestionally friendly vacation with mah ladies. 

And on this Day 30 I do want to give a HUGE shoutout to all my cheerleaders!  You guys are amazing, thank you for helping me be strong and supporting my endeavors, and know that if and when you want to take on the challenge I am SO there for you!!!  Love you all!!

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