Monday, June 27, 2016

Day 26 - so close!

Nearing the end!  It both feels like so long and no time at all, which I think is kind of the point.  At the beginning 30 days seemed so daunting, and now, 26 days in, I still kind of feel like day one was just last week.

This week has proved extra challenging however, due to the house guests I've been hosting.  I want to show them the best of Alaska, which includes certain eateries (Mooses Tooth Pizza, Arctic Roadrunner burgers, Glacier Brewhouse everything, to name a few), but not being able to fully participate is wearing on me, especially being so close to the end.  I feel like I'm in deprivation station right now.

To combat all that I'm trying to focus on how I feel.  Overall I feel pretty good, but I never got the energy boost everyone talked about.  Like, I have energy (climbed a mountain today and did a 5k (walking/dancing/goofing) on Saturday), but most other Whole 30 accounts wrote about their boundless energy, and I still kind of want to take a nap after big activities.  Which probably means I need to keep doing them and build up my endurance.

Back to food, I've realized I may need to cut out the dried fruit for this last week.  I've been using it as a snacking crutch, and I know I've been overdoing it (lots of natural sugars and carbs included too).

My other big go-to is the canned pink salmon I get at Costco.  The salmon patties are pretty much my favorite thing and so easy to make (and TASTY!  And transportable!  And...).  I'm hoping to branch out more, at least during my reintroduction phase were I should have time to myself again to properly prep food.

And finally, here's a picture to share with you all:

Again, not totally Whole 30 based, but proof that change CAN happen, one day at a time.  I'm already excited about my 2017 Color Run, and hope to actually be running more of it!

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