Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Day 13

Day 13, two days away from the halfway point, and hopefully the last days of Misery Lane.  I've been continuing to have weird cramping issues, and am still not sure if it's a particular food doing it, or just a part of the gut-healing.  Poultry has never caused me issues before but it is a commonality in the meals I've had on the days of stomach pains, so I think I'm going to cut them out for a few days. The rest of the week I plan on focusing on seafood.  

I bought the 6 pack of canned salmon at Costco, and it has been more of a lifesaver than I had anticipated.  I can slap some homemade mayo into it and make a super tasty spread (which I've had with just spinach to a surprisingly satisfying end), and today I made salmon patties with it (that included sweet potatoes, scallions, and a number of spices including dill which I am quickly finding out I LOVE).  I may need to venture out and find Whole 30 compliant pickles so I can make the tartar sauce that should accompany said patties, cause man, that would be good.  I have scallops, shrimp, and some form of fish (I want to say tilapia?) waiting in the wings.  Hopefully I can do them justice and make them edible.  

Body wise, I feel like my face is looking slimmer, and I'm feeling more energized, but still want to sleep in all morning.  But that could be because I'm up all hours of the night scrolling around on the internet.  I should enact a no-screens after 10 policy and see if that helps.  Spoiler alert, it totally would but I don't know if I'm strong enough.  Maybe I'll try it for a week and see how it improves me.  Loving this whole "use myself as a science experiment" thing I have going on.  Good times!

And finally, a quick comparison shot of me, Jan 17 2015 (new house!) and me today.  I'll take a better one later but for now this'll work.  This obviously isn't all Whole 30 progress, but more a display of why I'm doing Whole 30.  I've made a lot of progress and I want to keep moving forward.  I'm hoping this month will give me the tools and the cognizance to understand food better and consistently make better choices in the future.   

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