Sunday, June 5, 2016

Day 2 & 3

Yesterday (Day 2) was another blur of shopping and cooking, with guest chef and Whole 30 veteran Jody teaching me the finer points of making ghee and mayonnaise.  I'm excited to play around more with mayo flavors, and now have the basics for creating sauces.  I feel so rustic!


I know the middle picture looks like a urine sample, but I assure you it's ghee, the liquid gold made by boiling all the milk proteins and water out of butter.  Or at least that's my understanding.

I spent most of today creating meals for the next 3-4 days as I'll be at a conference in Kodiak, and can't count on communal meals to suit my needs (nor would I expect them to).  So I wanted to make sure I had no excuses to go off plan.  I've got a small jar of ghee, packets of almond butter, lara bars, nuts and dried fruit, apples, blackberries, carrots, cauliflower mash, walnut crusted pork, spaghetti squash, meatballs, noodled zucchini, stuffed peppers, and a brunch bake with egg, ground beef, and layers of veggies.  That should get me to Thursday, yeah?

I'm also right on schedule with body and brain reactions to the food-change, following the timeline like clockwork.  So it should be fun as I enter a conference/workshop with a 'kill all the things' mindset.  Hopefully no blood will be shed.

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