Thursday, June 2, 2016

Day 1 - Stats

Woke up at 7:30 and actually made myself get up.  I know I need some sort of schedule to keep myself in check, and having a semi-appropriate wake up time is key.

Weighed myself - 242 - and this is the last time I will weigh myself for the duration of Whole 30.  It will be hard to turn that off, and I should probably tuck the scale away so I don't mindlessly get on next Thursday (my WW weigh in day).

Have not taken body measurements but I might.  Again, for me the endgoal here is not weightloss, though I am 98% sure that will be a result.  I want to feel good. I want to have a better relationship with food, and a better understanding of how it works with my body.  I'm sure I will lose some pounds and probably a couple inches off my waist, and that is awesome and definitely desirable, but I already knew how to do that.  This is really the next step to optimal health, and if the rules say to stay away from the scale, that's what I'm going to do.

I'm currently attempting to plan my meals for the rest of the week, which includes being away for 4 days.  I am already a bit anxious about this, as the book stated that those days can be really hard anyway, and I can't imagine how being away from home and learning new things will impact my progress.

I'm also just anxious in general about the amount of cooking that is necessary - not only am I not a great cook, but I genuinely don't like it.  It's not in my wheelhouse of enjoyable activities.  I'd much rather read, write, take a walk, and right now I'm feeling overwhelmed by the amount of kitchen time I'm going to have to spend in order to make this work.  Not to mention time spent shopping.  This is where having a personal chef, or even a partner who likes to cook, would come in really handy.

Okay, time to get back to it.  Plan the rest of this week (plus a day for when I get back), draw up a shopping list from that, get what I need, then start prepping what I can to make the rest of the week go a bit smoother.

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