Saturday, June 11, 2016

Day 10

These days are predicted to be the slump - the newness of the program has worn off, the idea of cooking all my food for the next 20 days is weighing on me, and I have yet to really feel the positives everyone tells me about.  Knowing this feeling will pass and the best is yet to come will keep me going, but yeah, I'm feeling that slump.

Right now I just kind of don't want to do anything.  My to-do list keeps growing, but I keep not doing any of it (not totally true, I made egg muffins this morning and put up my hands-free screen door).  Also I'm not sure if it's more program results, period issues, or just something I recently ate, but my stomach is rallying against me.  I might try putting the possible perpetrators (looking at you, meatballs) aside and evaluating how I feel the rest of the day/tomorrow.

I'm planning on scheduling a haircut and facial for my mid-program reward.  Trying to figure out non-food rewards is a little tricky, since that's such a go-to, and definitely a habit that needs to be broken.  A cupcake that's going to make me feel bad for hours afterward is NOT a reward, no matter how good it is for that four minute span.  I somehow have to etch that into my brain so it's a constant.
And I need to get up, go to the bank (if it's still open... what are Saturday hours?), go the store to get capers (which I just had to Google) so I can make chicken cacciatore.  Hopefully it turns out and I have a meal for a couple days.  I should make that soup again too, now that I have proper jalapeƱos.  And once I find the recipe again.

... And now I'm back from the store and $70 later have decided that I am DONE shopping for at least a week; if a recipe calls for something I don't have I am looking up another recipe.