Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Day 3 - Learning a Lifestyle

The first round of anything is always hard, because so much brain power is needed to adjust your habits and processes.  And Keto is asking me to look at a lot of information I'd never really thought of before, like the carb content of spices.  Who knew?

But it's good.  regardless of how long I stick with it, I am definitely gaining knowledge and skillsets.

I'm feeling pretty good, no bloating, which I was concerned might happen because of the cheese.  Still so much cheese.  But I'm trying to make sure I get other nutrients too.  I use most of my carb points on veggies, and today actually went just a touch over because the roasted cauliflower I made was just too good.  I've learned that when I roast veggies I need to make just as much as I'm supposed to eat, because I will eat the entire tray.

And on a personal note, I don't think the heat in my Barrow apartment is working, but they did bring me 4 space heaters, and 3 of those work so my place is still able to be kept at a livable temperature.  In most of the rooms.

Didn't cook at all today, but pulled some chicken from the freezer (and tossed some chicken from the freezer as it was freezer burned beyond repair) and will be making this tomorrow, Keto Chicken Club Casserole.  I'm pretty excited to give it a go!  And if it looks nice I'll take a picture~

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Day Two - My house is an ice box

Some ups and downs today.  Ate keto, but may have slipped while chowing on some pulled pork.  There wasn't a lot of sauce so I thought I'd be okay, but it's definitely possible I overdid the carbs on just that alone.  It's kind of crazy how many can be in such a small amount.  So I'm erring on the side that, hey, it's Day Two, if I'm gonna screw up better to do it now.

And I still did well all day.  Even when tempted with a nice warm meal in a nice warm house, as I was saved from my ice box by my friend.  The heater's been out for the last few days, a couple of fixes not taking (but it seems to be working this time, fingers crossed!).  Much like Whole30, Keto is going to test my ability to say "no" and politely decline when it's not on plan.  Fortunately I've had good practice with this, and while hard, it's definitely doable for me.

At the end of the day I'm really looking at my health and general well-being.  I have to do this for me.  I'm excited to do this for me.

Going to try some Keto chicken fingers tomorrow, I'll really try to remember to take pictures more!  I know that helps with presentation and motivation~

this feels a bit disjointed but my house is still in the processes of warming up so I'll go ahead and blame it on that.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Day One - Cheese on Cheese

Successfully completed my first day of Keto!  Hurrah! 

I'm so glad I made a couple meals yesterday, and was able to bust another one out today, along with some fat bombs to help me reach my goal of 170 grams.  I was off by about 50 g today, which I'm hearing is pretty normal for just getting started.  I didn't go over my carb goal, which is a huge hurrah in my book.

No sign of the Keto flu yet, but I do drink massive amounts of water every day (generally 160 ounces, today I did 220), and even ponied up and paid $10 for a bottle of Propel and a little thing of Mio lemon.  Hopefully my wonderful Anchorage friends can quick send me some packets so I don't spend my whole paycheck on electrolytes and water~

Overall I'm feeling good.  I'm feeling capable.  I'm recording macros on a couple of apps right now (LoseIt and Lifesum (I tried MyFitnessPal but couldn't get into it)) until I find which one works best for my needs.

I'm also gathering a lot of recipe ideas from The Diet Doctor, by and large simple and easy to make, not a lot of fancy ingredients needed, and of course Pinterest and general internetting. 

I am really going to try to remember to take pictures of my grand creations, and should probably get a starter shot to compare myself to in a month.  Let's do this!!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Keto Mania

After struggling for the last 6 months on trying to get on and stick with an eating plan that is beneficial to my health and fits into my lifestyle, I've decided to give Keto a shot.  I've been up and down about it for a number of reasons, but after reading a bunch and seeing several of my friends get on it, stick with it, and have good results in both their physical and mental well-being, I figured it was worth a solid go. 

So I calculated my macros, checked out a bunch of recipes, did my post-Thanksgiving shopping prep before heading back to the village, and believe I am ready to life the lifestyle. 

I'm hoping to lose the weight I've put on from slipping into old habits and depression eating (it's been a rough year, y'all, but no more excuses!), and see an improvement in my energy and thought processing.  I've heard from several people that after being on Keto for 20 or so days they think clearer and focus easier.  I am so ready for that!

I also took the plunge in October and joined HealthyWage, and have made a hefty bet on myself, and need to give myself the tools needed to make sure I win that bet!

So here we are!  Day one officially starts tomorrow.  I've cleaned all distraction food out of my kitchen, have prepped a couple of different things (beef stroganoff with sautéed cabbage and a very cheesy broccoli bake), and am actually getting a little jazzed to try out some more recipes in the coming days.  I haven't been excited about cooking since probably my 2nd round of Whole30.  I'm hoping Keto reignites that spark. 

I'm a little terrified of falling into the Keto flu, but am hoping I drink enough water and will get enough sodium to bypass it until my body adjusts to its fuel source.  Fingers crossed and bottoms up!!

Also I forgot to take pictures but I'll hopefully get back to that as the blog goes on.  Yay!