Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Day Two - My house is an ice box

Some ups and downs today.  Ate keto, but may have slipped while chowing on some pulled pork.  There wasn't a lot of sauce so I thought I'd be okay, but it's definitely possible I overdid the carbs on just that alone.  It's kind of crazy how many can be in such a small amount.  So I'm erring on the side that, hey, it's Day Two, if I'm gonna screw up better to do it now.

And I still did well all day.  Even when tempted with a nice warm meal in a nice warm house, as I was saved from my ice box by my friend.  The heater's been out for the last few days, a couple of fixes not taking (but it seems to be working this time, fingers crossed!).  Much like Whole30, Keto is going to test my ability to say "no" and politely decline when it's not on plan.  Fortunately I've had good practice with this, and while hard, it's definitely doable for me.

At the end of the day I'm really looking at my health and general well-being.  I have to do this for me.  I'm excited to do this for me.

Going to try some Keto chicken fingers tomorrow, I'll really try to remember to take pictures more!  I know that helps with presentation and motivation~

this feels a bit disjointed but my house is still in the processes of warming up so I'll go ahead and blame it on that.

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