Monday, January 16, 2017

I had a scary dream about muffins

And sadly I'm not kidding.  One of the weirdest things that happen when you Whole30 it up is you dream.  About food.  Especially about food you shouldn't eat.  And I don't know if it's the same for other people but in my dreams I'm always keenly aware that I'm on Whole30, and whatever I ate just screwed up my journey, and now I have to start all over again, and I panic and I regret and then...

I wake up.

And take a deep breath and am soooo relieved I didn't actually drink all that wine or eat that muffin or lick the beater after someone made a cake (all real dreams I've had).

So yeah, if you're planning on doing Whole30, maybe keep a dream journal going as well.  It's a trip.

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