Saturday, January 7, 2017

Oh no it got serious...

So some of the problems I face on Whole 30 are surprisingly not related to off-plan cravings or temptations to cheat.  It's the deep-ingrained desire to just eat.  Eat cause you're happy, eat cause you're sad, eat cause you CAN.  Even though my food choices right now are by far the healthiest I've ever made, the fact still remains that eating is still something I struggle with.

That being said, this round, as I try out new recipes, I'd also like to do a lot more introspection.  Go into the psychological aspect of Whole30.  Really change my relationship with food.  This probably means I need to nix the dried fruit and nuts that are my snack crutch, and just focus on eating when I'm truly hungry, and then stopping when I'm truly satiated.

The challenging part will be taking this with me past Whole 30 and into my daily life.  We live in a society obsessed with food and eating.  Nearly every gathering I go to has a spread, people like to go out for dinner, and there's often a pressure, good intentioned as it may be, to indulge.  And for some of us there's a very fine line between what makes life worth living and what makes life hard to live with.  And I'm realizing I'm going to have to tread that line more often than not for the rest of my life if I want to live it to the fullest.

Does this mean I'll never indulge ever again?  Guh, of course not.  It just means I have to be mindful of my indulgence and immediately get back on track.  Which is pretty much what this Whole 30 is all about.

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