Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Back for more, eh? Whole 30 Round #2

Not gonna lie, I am super excited to do another round of Whole 30.  Whereas last June I was feeling intense anxiety about staying on plan and making it through 30 days, this time I know what's ahead, and the end result is me looking good and feeling great, and I am stoked to get back to that (and hopefully keep it going this time).

Round #2 holds some new challenges that weren't present in June, such as living in a village and working, so I'll be dealing with limited resources and limited time, as well as traveling to other villages with the possibility of getting stuck for days.  Clearly planning is key here.

I've already hit a minor snag, as the tote I shipped up with a lot of my supplies just before Christmas still isn't here, but I should be able to persevere until it arrives.  I've got plenty on hand that's compliant and more than enough to make some stellar meals.  Plus while our store's selection isn't extensive by any means, it does generally have fresh produce and meats, you just have to be ready to pay $$.

Right now I'm on day 2, and scheduled to finish on the 31st, but my intention is to go as long as I can, and preferably up until the big tech conference mid February.  My light at the end of the tunnel will be getting to take my new license photo with hopefully clearer skin, brighter eyes, and a slimmer face~

Also this time around I want to share more of what I'm eating, so here's a link to one of my all time favorites, the No Fuss Salmon Cakes.  They are transportable, amazing with homemade mayo (which on its own is omg so good), phenomenal with eggs, and solid as a grab-and-go meal.  Probably the thing I make the most both in and out of Whole 30, cause they're just that good.

1 comment:

  1. They really are that delicious! I've never done the Whole 30, but I always sneak a few when I am at her house! ;)
