Thursday, January 5, 2017

I'm gonna take this lying down...

Thank god I know the benefits are worth the price of the startup, cause Day 3 suuuuuuuucks.  Tired and headachey, this is my body on sugar deprivation.  I'm soldiering through by drinking lots of water, eating some sweet potato shepard's pie, and ignoring anything that might vex me.  The pain is piercing and intense, but I know I'll feel better on the other side.

In some (more) uncool news, the tote I shipped up before Christmas still hasn't made it to Barrow.  Or someone in the PO got wind I was packing food and made off with it.  But really, I hope it gets here soon.  I can't remember exactly what I packed but I know it was all helpful towards the Whole 30 cause.

And speaking of helpful, this lil beauty DID show up!  I set up my new aerogarden yesterday and am excited to reap the benefits of some fresh herbs and greens soon!  Really, it makes cooking and just straight up existing so much better.

I'll share progress as it happens!

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